Honey bees produce honey which they make from nectar, a sugary solution they collect from flowering plants. This honey is the food store that bees feed on over the winter. In Maine a honey bee colony requires about 100lbs of honey to survive the cold winters. A strong hive however, can produce a large surplus of honey over and above that required to survive the winter.
Honey Sales
I sell my honey under the name The Bee Whisperer’s HONEY
I sell out of honey every year so order early!
It is available in 2lb. 1lb and 8oz plastic bottles. Also in 12oz plastic bears.
I also sell pieces of honey in the comb.
2lb bottle $22. 1lb bottle $11, 12oz bears $9, 8oz bottle $8, comb honey sold out. Ginger honey, Pumpkin Spice and Cinnamon honey also available in 10oz jars $12. Crystallized honey in $10oz jars $11; and my new Blue Honey which is a delicious mixture of honey and wild organic blueberry powder $16
Lip Balms and Hand cream
I produce a range of beeswax lip balms in a range of flavors:
Vanilla, Strawberry, Peppermint, Lemon, Coffee, Honey,Maple and Natural (not flavored)
All contain vitamin E.
I also make a natural vanilla scented beeswax hand cream.
Hand Cream $15, Lip Balms $3 or 4 for $10
Send checks or Money orders to: Peter Cowin, 236 Main Road South, Hampden ME 04444.